Before you start reading my reviews, I would like to state that all the views on this sites are mine.
And all bands that I may like might not be your cup of tea. =)
Corpse - From The Grave 
Crimson Thorn - Dissection
Dead Pharisees - Mummified Priest 
Deuteronomium - Street Corner Queen 
Erase - Mental Overload
Eternal Decision - Self-Titled
Kekal - Beyond the Glimpse of Dreams
Klank - Still Suffering
Lament - Tears of a Leper
Metanoia - Don't Walk Dead
Mortification - Triumph of Mercy 
Narnia - The Awakening 
Necromanicide - Hate Regime 
Sanctifica - In The Bleak Midwinter 
Strongarm - Advent of a Miracle
Vital Decision - Self-Titled 
Zao - Splinter Shards The Birth of Seperation
Bands - submit your materials for review here
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